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12 reports about 855-257-4987

Received a phone call from 855-257-4987? Report here
The Brass 19th Jul, 2011+0
No one answers, or I get a message that they have a important message, to please stand by then I am told the wait will be some ungodly amount of time. I hang up, if they really want to talk to me they can put a live person to call
S/D Roux, Daniel 18th Jul, 2011+0
Not sure, did not answer, since I didn't know who the caller was.
g8 17th Jul, 2011+0
Threatining calls about being arrested and being taken to california for court.
Tharki 14th Jul, 2011+0
timeshare broker trying to buy my timeshare since told I was unterested they have called 2-3 times a day once at 8am, then 8 pm that nite outtofBocaRatonFLA
empyrean83 11th Jul, 2011+0
solicitation for donations that ended up in the caller using obscenities when i said i wasn't interested.
AQW 10th Jul, 2011+0
"asset systems", "assset management systems", "asset recovery systems" it's supposedly a collection agency "jaeda" called and left me a message unknown number on my cell only problem is i don't have anything in collections! but they seem to think i do, they got ahold of my dad somehow (his information is NOT tied to anything of mine other than we live at the same address). possible scam?
NiquaH 9th Jul, 2011+0
tried to get my bank account and social definite criminals. called other numbers like 6638 and 6640 found a guy running a different scheme under different company name. my guess is they are same people running multiple scams under same few numbers with b.s. business front for phone.
zeffer 8th Jul, 2011+0
They called me told me I was being summons to court and that I had to call Atorny Morgan Murphy to get my address so they can send me a summons. I dont live in California so i dont know how I could be summons. Plus not only that I cant be really sued because I am on SSI and was told Im judge proof.
Lenny 6th Jul, 2011+0
Received call on Sunday afternoon. Not in phone book so didn't answer.
Mechille 4th Jul, 2011+0
3 calls within 2 days-caller ID says Private
Sharon Slattery 4th Jul, 2011+0
Received call from unknown party, please do not call back again.
Sherrie Jones 4th Jul, 2011+0
calls details

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